ITHS Champions League Started today with a grand opening ceremony. Two matches were played in the opening day of the tournament. There was a huge competitions in both matches. [PICTURE GALLERY] [POINTS TABLE & MATCH DETAIL]
The first match was between Real Madrid & Manchester United and the match finished with 1-1 drawn. In another match AC Milan beat Arsenal by 1-0.
Great league seems to be. Winter Soccer Camps are organised to get out of the boring and lazy routine of winters. I personally am in favour of Winter Soccer Camps to be held. I recently found a website giving opportunities to enter into this activity very easily and economically regarding organizing. Click here Winter Soccer Camps to see more.
Great league seems to be. Winter Soccer Camps are organised to get out of the boring and lazy routine of winters. I personally am in favour of Winter Soccer Camps to be held. I recently found a website giving opportunities to enter into this activity very easily and economically regarding organizing. Click here Winter Soccer Camps to see more.