After his success in 2009 IAS exams Our student from class 10 Tahsinul Huq had an another excellent success in English subject among the students participated from all other countries in the region.
And he got the gold medal again as a Regional Topper but this time he is a Regional Topper in English subject.
He has got the first position in English subject among over 200,000 students from 5950 schools in Asian countries including Bangladesh, Maldives,Nepal, Sri Lanka,and the Middle East.
Our student from class 9 Ragib Mostafa has been also awarded a gold medal as a Country Topper in Computing Studies.That means he got the highest mark among the students who got the computing studies exam in Bangladesh
Even if this is a blog for only 9to12 students there was another special student, Sara Wasifa who has been awarded a gold medal as a Country Topper in English subject from our Junior Section Class 5.
ITHS has also been given a remembrance by the organization in appreciation of our participation in IAS 2010 which was collected by Mr. Kemal YAVUZ.
click on Read more to see the pictures from the event.
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